Sunday, July 19, 2009

Flinders Day at Coochie

We went over to neighbouring Coochiemudlo Island to take part in the annual Flinders Day celebrations. This was to commemorate the day when Matthew Flinders set foot on Coochiemudlo.
Obviously, he took one look at Macleay, the tide was out and he chose the sandy beaches of Coochie instead. Story of our Halfwit Lives!!!

Coochie really do a great job of the whole thing. Lots of locals dressed up as various olden day people and even a little cannon to set off. But why, we ask? Didn't they want Flinders to turn up? Or was it to scare off the visitors from Macleay?They also had markets (mmmm, retail therapy!!!) and the good news is that I bought a lot of Christmas presents there. All very tasteful ... I did not get sucked into the tie-died petticoats.

But I did get sucked into trying out Dragon Boat racing. Hmm! Nobody mentioned it was really hard work and that we were expected to paddle for over 2km. I was totally stuffed! Luckily, the girl behind me was ready with the snakes, always a necessity at all sporting events!!